Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Thanks for the GREAT turn out... Our POOL PARTY was a BLAST!!

This years pool started off with a bang with the music of our DJ, Kyle echoing through the propety and the smell of concession food tickling the noses of axiously awaiting residents. The sound of laughter filled the air as we started out this Summer with a pool party sure to entertain. We hope that you all helped yourself to free food and snacks, and enjoyed the entertainment, as well as the raffle with prizes (compliments of local vendors).

We would like to extend our thanks to Advanced Carpet Systems, Warm Welcomes, Morning Brite Cleaning, For Rent, Apartment Guide, Wilmar, Central Glass, Aqua Tech, Grandad's Paint, Appliance Parts, Fibers, Qwest, American Family, Cort, & Kwal Paint. They so graciously donated all the great gifts raffled off this year.

And now for the fun part... Enjoy these pictures and fun memories from our 2009 Annual Pool Party!!

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