Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Meet your firendly Management Team.... Hilarie!!!

Hilarie was born October 1, a Libra. Funny fact about Hilarie, she was born with her finger up her nose, leaving a birth mark there for 3 months. Her favorite color is Sky Blue. She has been working at Adagio since June 2009, and has a second profession as a Pharmacy Tech. In her spare time she enjoys fixing up her new home, reading, hiking, and yard work. She has 2 dogs, Portia & Roskoe, who are her life!!!

Hilarie loves all types of music, except country. She loves spending her time with her family and friends.

If you haven't met Hilarie, please stop by the office to see her smiling face!!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Thanks for the GREAT turn out... Our POOL PARTY was a BLAST!!

This years pool started off with a bang with the music of our DJ, Kyle echoing through the propety and the smell of concession food tickling the noses of axiously awaiting residents. The sound of laughter filled the air as we started out this Summer with a pool party sure to entertain. We hope that you all helped yourself to free food and snacks, and enjoyed the entertainment, as well as the raffle with prizes (compliments of local vendors).

We would like to extend our thanks to Advanced Carpet Systems, Warm Welcomes, Morning Brite Cleaning, For Rent, Apartment Guide, Wilmar, Central Glass, Aqua Tech, Grandad's Paint, Appliance Parts, Fibers, Qwest, American Family, Cort, & Kwal Paint. They so graciously donated all the great gifts raffled off this year.

And now for the fun part... Enjoy these pictures and fun memories from our 2009 Annual Pool Party!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Meet your friendly Maintenance staff.... Nick!!!

Most of you have met Nick, our friendly service tech. Nick has been working at Adagio @ Corner Canyon since March 2007. He is a very hard worker and a great asset to our community. Nick is the middle child of 3 boys.

Nick celebrates his birthday on October 11, which makes him a Libra. His passions include working out and video games. Nick's choice of movie is action or comedy, he is very fond of "The Count of Monte Cristo".

Keep an eye open for our Awesome maintence tech Nick. He will be quick to take care of any of your maintenance requests.


ADAGIO is having our ANNUAL POOL PARTY... And everyone's invited!!

When: Wednesday; June 3, 2009

6:00 PM thru 8:00 PM

Where: Adagio's Front Pool

(In back of Clubhouse)

We are so excited for the Annual pool party. Please join us for Music, Game, Food, and Fun!!! We will also be doing a raffle with AWESOME prizes to show how much we love our residents!!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Profiles of your Friendly Maintenance Team... Austen

Austen Temple is member of the Adagio Maintenance team. He has worked with at Adagio for over 7 months. He was born in Ogden, Utah on August 30th and is a Virgo. Austen enjoys watching Sci-Fi and Fantasy movies and can be found waiting in line for the new Wolverine movie. He is very outgoing and does not show one ounce of shyness. He is a big brother, with one younger sister. He loves food and will eat anything. When he's not playing video games, he can be found taking full advantage of the outdoors. If you are unfamiliar with Austen, you can often see him on the property with a huge smile, waving his hand uncontrollably at anyone who passes!!! Next time you see him, feel free to stop and say hi, he is always great for a smile.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Movie Night!!!

For the past few months we have been hosting an ADAGIO MOVIE NIGHT. It is every Thursday at 5:00PM. We offer freshly popped popcorn all day long as well as popcorn and drinks during the movie. Keep your eye open every Thursday as we post the movie of the day at the entrance of our property as well as at the mailboxes, And come join us for a theatrical event on our big screen at the leasing office. We can't wait to see you there!!!

Today's Showing is SNOW BUDDIES!!!!

Previous movies shown:

Marley and Me
Speed Racer
Madagascar II
Lion King


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